miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

President of Peru wants to disappear Facebook and Twitter.

Hybrid between Chavez and Meche Cabanillas (from CORREO PERU) 

political party in power is called APRA. APRA parliament members Mercedes Cabanillas and Jose Vargas are promoter and author, respectively, of a controversial project to rectify journalism, and to try to intimidate the media connected to the Internet. The president of Peru (leader of APRA) Alan Garcia chose her (Mercedes Cabanillas or "Meche") to promote the initiative against the press because she is a political figure in decline. Presidente hates Google yet because on cyberspace one can find all his disasters.

By Cesar Reyna 

Reservamoral.org.uk.- The government of Peru (APRA and Alan Garcia) has proposed scare with costly lawsuits and jail to the owners of websites, daily columnists, and blogs writers. With this measure the APRA is on par with the most totalitarian regimes in the world as that of Iran, the communist China, Castro's Cuba and Venezuela infamous. 

APRA has always been an authoritarian party, there is the reason why they propose this law to regulate the right of people affected by inaccurate or offensive notes on Media. 

The rule is intended to silence independent media before the media addict to APRA. The president must have realized that Internet is a deal not manageable by the political power, ie, an area that can not be put by money, blackmail or coercion, because there are thousands of voices. That's why the president gave to Congressman Jose Vargas
the task of reviving the project submitted unsuccessfully in the previous term. Congressman Jose Vargas is the spokesman for the bloc of APRA in the Congress and is named "mamarracho" (junky) by Augusto Alvarez Rodrich (independent journalist) on César Hildebrandt TV Show yesterday . 

It is not accurate to say that the popular 'Meche' it happened to drive overnight to avenge the press since the Apra expecting the best time to dust off. If 'Meche' was given to uphold a standard that reflects the personality of Garcia because it has nothing to lose. Politically speaking she is' burned 'after the killing of Bagua, the ominous award she received from this was the chairing of the Committee on Constitution in peruvian congress. Then to face censure in the legislature has become a corpse or 'kamikaze' political. It came as no amount directly to the face or criticism of any caliber. 

However, within the means under the project would not only websites and blogs but also Facebook, Twitter and other portal where you socialize and receive information. All these formats become hugely important in the elections of 2011. Because of its role, APRA and other parties such as the authoritarian Fujimori, are anticipating what they hold the election campaign. Its objective is to break the bloggers who have no resources to defend themselves from lawsuits (court proceedings just to scare those who have less experience dealing with politicians walks). 

What Garcia and his supporters intend to exercise control over the flow of information from the network. While digital media in Peru can not yet decide the outcome of an election, we are able to prejudice certain applications such as APRA, the Fujimori etc. For re-election efforts of many legislators, regional chairs, municipal and presidential aspirant, the Internet has become a headache unmanageable. 

Not long ago Garcia said in his essay-monologue of the dog in the manger II, APRA and the people who believe in their government should counteract the vortex weed circulating in cyberspace, and urged Peruvians to "good faith" to defend the achievements, stability, and the growth picture of the country, ie its management.

The Twitter phenomenon and early warnings that reach the cell makes any Administration will issue to the Internet. Text messages can alter the course of any event by its speed and wide dissemination. This type of technology was used to organize student marches against the theocratic regime in Iran and other mobilizations in places as remote as the Caucasus. Without going too far, this year a group of university students held a protest against Venezuelan Chavism using mobile phones. It is no longer necessary to go to a speaker or a radio or television station to announce a demonstration but only send a SMS. 

On draft Aprista, there are several gaps in their writing. One of the most striking is the inability to prosecute a foreign or Peruvian blogger published abroad because beyond national jurisdiction. This amateur or professional can put the means smooth unless you request that resides in the country, which would be very costly for the victim. 

Another enormous neglect is the term that provides for the correction because it reduces to 3 days when the current legislation states 10 days. This difficult period of the journalist's work to analyze the case and either respond to the request of the victim. 

It is also counterproductive to extend the deadline to 15 days and no-7 - for which the aggrieved person seeking the correction to the director of media. With the current period is sufficient to clarify any concerns the same week of the injured. 

The reproduction of the printed application must be reproduced in its entirety, that is, no matter how much space occupies in the middle. This will not only reduce the size and number of newspaper publishing that may be present, but the space allotted to advertising. The economic damage include the application in its entirety can be as or more expensive than the compensation to be paid if the correction does not satisfy the victim. 

In the case of radio and television, the correction must occur at the same time and in the same program that was broadcast information. This has not been referred to the program may disappear from the schedule before the filing of the claim concerned. Among the 15 days you have to request the amendment and it has 3 days to rectify the 18 days are sufficient for a show, series, news, contest, etc.., Is canceled. 

The greatest threat to freedom of expression lies in Article 6 of the draft as amended by Article 132 of the Penal Code to incorporate as civilly liable to the third medium. This allows owners to sue for money millionaires or executives, "which could lead to bankruptcy, as rightly pointed out 'The First'. This opens the door for them to exercise greater control over the content restricting the freedom of the communicator.

3 comentarios:

Pjeter dijo...

Oh, latam is like this.. stolen again!

El sapo del apra dijo...

Nos hemos enterado de los miedos de la cúpula aprista. Tanto miedo le tienen a los cambios. Casos concretos como los del CERCADO DE LIMA (Adjunto copia de CONSOLIDADO DE ACTA ELECTORAL DEL CERCADO DE LIMA), y el de SAN JUAN DE LURIGANCHO; en donde las listas perdedoras en la resolución del TRIBUNAL NACIONAL ELECTORAL los declaran como ganadores.
Eduardo Polleri Galdos (Lista Nº 3) resultó ganador en segunda vuelta por 15 votos contra la lista de Jorge Cangalaya Igreda (Lista Nº 2); sin embargo, en la resolución que da el TRIBUNAL NACIONAL ELECTORAL declaró como ganador a la lista Nº 2 y con fecha pasada del 4 de Agosto del presente año.
Lo más curioso del caso es que veedores de la ONPE, de la SECRETARIA DE DISCIPLINA DEL APRA, la AGRUPACIÓN DE ABOGADOS APRISTAS y el mismo veedor de la NACIONAL, dieron la conformidad del proceso, no habiendo ninguna observación en las actas por ninguna de las listas en competencia. Cabe señalar que María Eugenia Muñoz rompió las actas electorales siendo la presidenta de este proceso ELECTORAL-DISTRITAL EN EL CERCADO DE LIMA.
Los invitaríamos que vayan a preguntar a los dirigentes del APRA, ¿Cuál es el interés de que no dejen pasar a los que quieren renovar y dinamizar el trabajo político partidario. Se les seguirá informando cuando se tenga la copia de CONSOLIDADO DE ACTA ELECTORAL SAN JUAN DE LURIGANCHO. En estos momentos hay una concentración en local de la Av. Alfonso Ugarte.
PD; si nos brindasen su correo electronico, podriamos adjuntar el acta

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